from Chapter 31 ~ Martin's Mystery Treasure Box

tramp art cigar box closedtramp art cigar box open

The mysterious contents of the cedarwood box ...

.a single keythe uncomely dog statuecobalt blue eye-wash glasstiny Russian Kiddush cups

a single key, the uncomely dog, an eye-wash glass, two tiny Russian Kiddush cups,

side-angle scopeminiature chess setglasses with rose colored lenses

small kaleidoscopepedometer

a side-angle scope, a miniature chess set, rose-colored glasses, a kaleidoscope, a pedometer ...

and salt and pepper shakers in the shape of praying hands ...

praying hands salt & pepper shakers


Sonia Who? said...

Love the chess set. Hope Martin give it as a gift to Vincent.

Anonymous said...

Carole, Carole...from whence do you draw this beauty...the phrasing...the delicately chosen words that say - with such dignity - the things other authors say in the most mundane fashion? Awed. I am awed, again and again. Thank you. And look for a line by line commentary in your Inbox soon.
Love you! Love you art! Nancy

Anonymous said...

Sonia, I wonder if Martin plays chess? Maybe Father could beat him??? We know Vincent could.

Old Father Seamus ... who was he and who did he know?

Anonymous said...

Nancy, you dear. Thank you and thank you again! What a good feeling your words bring. What would I do without you? Love you back.

~ C

Vicky said...

So thoughtful of you as always, Carole, to label these! Thank you, really. I'd love to check that box myself!
