C & V looking at each other. C: Vincent...You've changed me. I want to tell you...

Catherine's Poem for Vincent

You create me
in your arms

Ancient, fire-born of the earth,
you fold around me
enclose me
unify me

I am a crystal lake cradled here
Your pulse feeds the stream of me and
I am fathomless
I am still
I reflect your cloudlessness
and the blue of heaven’s tint
And every peak and valley of yours is mine
and any fierce sweep of wind
The ripple and stir of me is your doing

We are limitless

C & V at falls together. V: My words fail in comparison to the depth of my love for you, Catherine, but I'll read my poem to you now...
Vincent's Poem for Catherine

My dream...
amorphous, rises opal on veiled mists.
The earth takes welcome form
and we walk together.

A rocky, dawn-lit coastline fades
to the park of aged trees slanted through with
summer’s blaze.
We pass through the shadow of willows.

Entwined with me upon the gray-green moss
under the downpour of sunlight, you tremble
at the near-agony of my ardor.
Your soft and pleading gasp...oh...
My name in your whisper.

My dream, my truth...
You, Catherine.

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original poetry paraphrased from a story-in-progress, Iron Behind the Velvet