Greetings and salutations,

As promised, here are a few more suggestions to help make this Winterfest one to remember for its many diverse contributions.

 The tunnels were always so serious. When a little humor or lightheartedness was introduced, it was like a ray of sunshine. We would like you to add to that sunshine by creating a cartoon a or a comic strip depicting a short exchange between the various BATB characters. Vincent and Father. Jamie and Mouse. Catherine and Joe. Any combination that tickles your fancy. They do not have to be works of art. A chuckle or guffaw is the ultimate goal. <G> Let’s spread a little laughter through the tunnels!

Our Listening Chamber is in need of new selections for this year’s Winterfest Online celebration. Read aloud and send to us in an audio format a favorite short story, a poem or the lyrics to a song that captures something of the spirit of the tunnels. This year we would love to receive recordings done by children. Children were a large part of the tunnel family and we are sure that their voices would have been heard often in the tunnels reciting some best- loved poem or favorite tale.

 Candlemakers' brains are storming around the Treasure Hunt, and we need to know which sites would like to participate. We've got an idea that makes it easier than ever for your site to join in the fun. Let us know by December 1st.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
We are here to help you make this WFOL a smashing success.

 The Wintercandlemakers
