The Story Continues ... but with a delay

The next chapter is half-done and I do know where I want to go with it, and I'd promised myself a finishing every three weeks, but these past days have proved too strong a distraction.

In the last three weeks, I've had two sets of company, which meant cooking and cleaning. Lots of cleaning. Sightseeing. Much talking, little sleep. Sad and lonely for them after. No typing.

My daughter had some car trouble and because she's taking classes this summer she can't miss, we took her our spare. That meant a couple of days back and forth to her, getting hers checked out, exchanging cars twice (the spare developed some issues too! can you believe it?!).

Our tomatoes are coming in. Canning, canning, canning. Cleaning up after. More are probably ready today (afraid to look).

I had two doctor's appointments - just the routine checkup stuff and all is well - but I'm doctor-phobic nearly, LOL, and the days before going are unproductive. Hard to type when you're wringing your hands.

I was bummed the week of the convention, since I wasn't there this year.

And I made an out of town trip to visit a friend who's mother was very ill. Tomorrow we'll leave again and be gone a couple of days.

All that stuff of real life is good and necessary but it does mean I had only short bursts of acceptable writing. I'm headed out to the office now (Saturday morning), entreating the Muse to appear and look kindly upon me ...

Thank you all for reading. Your kindness has astounded me. I'm sorry to try your patience.

More soon,


Anonymous said...

No worries, Carole. Our pulses are still beating double after that last chapter! You just give the story what it requires, and we will be the grateful, and hopefully patient, recipients of your largesse!

Regards, Lindariel

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lindariel! You're so encouraging, always. I'm so glad to know you.


Krista said...

What a hectic time you've been having lately! Keeping you in my thoughts--and as far as the story...please don't worry. We'll all be there when you return.

-Krista :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Krista. That helps my spirits. :-)

Linn said...

Sending you lots of love, hugs, and much gratitude for your generous and wonderful hospitality. It was a privilege and an honor to visit where you live, write your exquisite stories,and spend some time together, one that I shall never forget, and will cherish forever. You are such a beautiful person- truly a rare soul. It was indeed hard to say goodbye and sad, for me, and want you to know that I enjoyed every second of my visit to Tennessee. Please take a little time out for yourself, and rest, the words can wait a while :-) We your readers, will always be here...



Anonymous said...

Oh, LInn. You're such a sweetheart. You have the kindest spirit and such a generous nature. I loved having you here and enjoyed my time with you so much. I moped the days after.

Thank you for coming down. Just make sure it's not the only time you do so!

Hugs back,